Book Cover Design for Indie Authors

✨ Congratulations! You've written a book. That’s a seriously incredible achievement. ✨

✏️ Now, it's time to get it into the hands of your ideal readers. By looking for a book cover designer you've taken the next step to getting your story into the world.

A book design is like an outfit for your manuscript. It can either turn heads or be ignored completely. 📖 For its big debut do you want it to be in jogging pants, or dressed for success? 📚 Your book could be the greatest story ever written, but if it has a poor cover you won't get readers to pick it up in a bookshop or click on its Amazon thumbnail.

🎨✨ Together, we can create a custom cover that is tailored to the kind of readers who will LOVE your book. That means custom typography through hand lettering with illustrations to match. Your cover will be unique, but also perfectly tailored to your genre.

I work with you directly to figure out

  • What your readers want and expect

  • How you fit into your genre and how we can make your book stand out

  • How we can create the best cover to sell your book

Custom design from $950 USD

My Specific Expertise

Bookselling experience

Before going full-time as an illustrator I worked as a bookseller in New Zealand and the UK. Bookselling really is the front line of publishing. Working in that retail space allowed me to see the new books coming into stock and how customers interacted with the books. It also gave me a good understanding of how bookshops work with independent authors, so I am able to give advice on how to do that.

Knowledge about self-publishing

In 2018 I wrote a book on self-publishing in New Zealand, covering everything from copy editing to design and marketing. This was largely based on knowledge I have gained through working with independent authors and a local company who help authors to self-publish their books, as well as research on best practices when producing a book. If you need help with your marketing plan or blurb, I'm more than happy to help you out.

Experience writing and publishing

As well as the self-publishing book, I have written and published a children's picture book in New Zealand. Through doing this I have come to better understand the struggles and worries that come with producing a book.

Immersed in the book community online

Between Instagram and YouTube, I'm very present in the online bookish community. I can help you with Instagram marketing and share some of the design process online if you want a bit of extra exposure.

Experience working with publishers

Through working with clients such as HarperCollins I have developed a good idea of what publishers are looking for. This can be translated for independent authors too, so you know you'll be on the cutting edge when it comes to your design.

Still not ready? Take a look at this case study: